Now representing (drum roll please…
) Always Ice Cream!

Always Ice Cream Co. is brought to you by the owners of the iconic Annapolis Ice Cream Co., located on Main Street in historic Annapolis. After years of success, the little shop is ready to expand, rebranded as Always Ice Cream Company.
We are excited to have been selected as their broker of record, and can’t wait to work with brothers Mark & Adam Cohen to help spearhead the roll-out of this new, hip & progressive ice cream concept throughout the Mid-Atlantic!
AIC will be creating the perfect combination of top quality homemade ice cream with the sleek, modern design that is taking the world by storm. With recipes that have been passed down from 3 families and over 20 years, Ice Cream has become a way of life for the ice cream makers…. and, we are ready to bring a shop to a town near you!!
Follow Always Ice Cream and The Annapolis Ice Cream Company on Instagram — @alwaysicecreamcompany @annapolisicecreamcompany